Connect with your Soul

remember who you are

Discover the power of spiritual practices, intuitive readings, and somatic therapies to create a positive, lasting impact that ripples throughout your life and the world.

Welcome to a world of magic

β€œTell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Hi, I’m Courtney and my greatest passion is exploring the spiritual realms. I live for those moments of recognition when somebody discovers something about who they are, why they’re here, and what truly matters to their heart and soul. We work in that deep, mysterious place where the psyche meets the soul. In this place anything is possible and that’s why from this place you can deeply heal, transform, and create the life of your dreams. Book a card reading, breathwork, or soul memory discovery session with me today to experience this profound healing work. Let’s activate your greatest potential by connecting with your heart and soul.

  • "My session with Courtney was so healing for me. Her energy is so calming and pure and her connection to spirit is apparent. I felt very connected to the practices she walked me through to heal and energetically clear what was blocking me in life."

    Kelsey Marie

  • Courtney is an old / wise / deep / spiritual soul in a young body that can dive deep into any subject you have on your mind. She can help you to find your your own answers to what ever you are searching for or dealing with . She can also guide you into different methods for better health, deeper spirituality or more happyness. She is the best !

    Eythor Gudjonsson

  • Courtney’s presence brought me peace and confidence. It was wonderful to spend time learning alongside her as my teacher. You will learn more about yourself in many ways. The opportunity to grow is readily available.

    - Josh

Connecting with your soul is life-changing.

Book a session today to discover the power of spiritual work.

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